Promoting sustainable practices and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Iraq through the adoption of a carbon market. Join us in building a greener future for Iraq and aligning with global climate objectives.



Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF)
IGCO embarked on an innovative project cantered on the development of an ambulance boat tailored for Iraq's marshlands. This pioneering vessel plays a pivotal role in assisting herders by enabling the diagnosis and care of animals, with a particular focus on buffalos, which are indispensable to the livelihoods of marshland communities. Furthermore, IGCO has significantly enhanced climate resilience by establishing a Reverse Osmosis (RO) station. This facility ensures access to clean and potable water for local communities and their livestock, a critical provision during the sweltering summer months and during hunting restrictions specially when there is drought and water scarcity facing the marshlands. This initiative is perfectly aligned with international climate objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement. IGCO's comprehensive approach also encompasses capacity-building efforts. To this end, the organization has already organized two workshops aimed at training young veterinarians in the latest advancements in animal treatment technologies.
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